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How do you customize for well water?Updated 8 months ago

Hydroviv Drinking water filters can be optimized for well water by our Nerds referencing water data from 4 Sources, all based on your shipping address:
  1. 1) US Geological Survey 
  2. 2) Nearby municipalities that use groundwater as source
  3. 3) Academic literature
  4. 4) State source water assessment programs
This helps us pinpoint susceptibilities in the groundwater and decide which contaminants to treat as points of emphasis, such as arsenic, VOCs, pesticides, etc. 

If you have privately-sourced water, test results, or hold apprehensions regarding regarding specific levels that surpass the parameters covered by our testing, we kindly request that you send that data over to us so our Science Team is able to take a look and make sure that our systems are the best tool for the job. 

All you have to do is leave a note in the "order notes" section during checkout specifying that you're on a private well. 

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