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Why Choose Customized Filters?Updated 24 days ago

Most water filters are "one size fits all" systems. The problem is water is different everywhere! 

Important factors like your region's geology and your city's disinfection process, infrastructure, and proximity to industrial/agricultural sites are all unique to your location and require a custom solution. At Hydroviv, we examine your water reports before building your system so you get a filter that is effective throughout the lifetime of use!

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Tap water across the country is different, so why should all water filters be built the same? One-size-fits-all pitcher and point-of-use filters are not designed to remove contaminants specific to your drinking water. Plus, these types of filters are not as effective at removing contaminants, and are often designed just to improve the taste of drinking water. The reality is that tens of millions of U.S. households have contaminants in their water that exceed public health goals, and the individual contaminants vary significantly state by state and even zip code by zip code.

We Look At The Issues That Impact Your Specific Water Quality

Water quality issues can be impacted by a variety of factors including; the age of your home and city's infrastructure, the natural geology of the region, and your water source's proximity to industrial sites, farms, and military bases. Cities with older infrastructure like Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and New York City, for example, face issues with lead contamination, while new developments in the American Southwest may be lead-free, but record unsafe concentrations of arsenic.

We're Scientists

Dr. Roy built a team of experts dedicated to solving water quality issues. Our Water Nerds lend their expertise in science, policy, toxicology, and engineering to create personalized water filters for each of our customers. It's what we do.

  • Analyze millions of water quality measurements from local, county, state, federal, academic, and our own test databases
  • Cross reference these data with the latest toxicology thresholds (not outdated regulatory limits)
  • Select filtration media that fixes the problems found in your water (dirty secret: not all types of filtration media work in all types of water)
  • Build a customized filtration system that is specifically optimized for the problems with your water

The result is a hyper-targeted water filter backed by data and science

If you're interested in learning more about about our personalized filters and getting the best solution for your water, please reach out to us at [email protected]! We're happy to answer any questions you may have.

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